Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas



More and more and more, I don′t know where we′re going to
More and more and more, there′s so much we don′t wanna do
′cause without we cheat and we learn from each and every
heart affair
it′s without we cheat and we hurt till somebody′s in

Boom, keep in tune,
Hollywood will soon leftt the point,
right to the point smokin′
like it′s a joint, makin′
ain′t got time to be fakin′
it′s my turn and I′m takin′
everything without shakin′
yo here with the bacon

(Repeat Chorus)

More and more and more
More and more and more


more and more bam, don′t give a damn
pump the music and jam there′s no time for the problem
not a thought to some, but just make sure you get it
show the fella′s you with it
being prompt you get it, never will you forget it

(Repeat Chorus)

More and more and more
More and more and more

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