Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


No one can hear the things I whisper
ain't gonna walk no more
alone in the night

stay with me forever
call my name and I'll be there
follow me wherever I will fly

get up stand up
open your eyes
take me to the limit
never let me go

don't cry don't lie
open your mind
gonna take me over
make me feel alright....x 2

I feel I'm burning like the fire
there are no rules , no chains
that bind me tonight

Life is a game
you've got to play right

Just wanna take this world
and leave it behind

stay with me forever
call my name and I'll be there
follow me wherever I will fly

get up stand up
open your eyes
take me to the limit
never let me go

don't cry don't lie
open your mind
gonna take me over
make me feel alright

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