Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


Honey love honey love what you do to me
I can?t think I can?t act the way I used to be
Got no choice just your voice sends me through
the roof
I?m a mess I confess it?s because of you

You shook me up so quickly
You hit me like a smooth breeze

Smooth like the air I take you into me
You?re all I crave remain within me deep
Just like the air you?re there around it all
Smooth everywhere you stare and make me fall

Turn around take me down to your dreaminess
Come on in and again we can lay and rest
Close your eyes my sunrise shine your beam of
Ride the wave to escape and be by my side

You shook me up so quickly
You hit me like a smooth breeze

Smooth like the air I take you into me
You?re all I crave remain within me deep
Just like the air you?re there around it all
Smooth everywhere you stare and make me fall

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