Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


Another Friday night,
And the week is over -
Got a bottle of wine
And a meal for one,
Never could have known
She was walkin with me in the rain.
Another back to back,
Down the escalator,
Beat the sliding doors
By a twist of fate,
Than a glance behind an
evening paper -
And there she was...
Lonely's gone -
Suddenly I got this feelin,
Lonely's gone -
I spin around,
Yeah Yeah
I've left the ground,
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah
Should I make a move?
Did she catch me falling?
What I got to lose?
Will she cut me dead?
Before I catch my breath,
Can't believe she's walking
Off my train...
Beat the sliding doors -
Is she gone? Don't lose her,
Gotta keep my head -
Someone taps my shoulder,
Then I spin around and
She's just smiling -
I guess she knows...
Is this fate or happenstance?
Her design or my last chance?
I can't speak
Cos she takes my breath away...
So it's Friday night,
And the day is over,
Crack a bottle of wine,
Make a meal for two -
But there's no room on the
dining table...
Here we go, Here we go...

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