Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


What can you do when your love falls apart
Make it so out can return to the start?
What can you do when your love causes pain
Wishes have come by the end of the day
I can't tell you're blind
Your love makes you cry
Our love is nail you'll go on with your lye
Oh, Why can't you see? You're not here with me.
Our love is nail you'll go back where you see

What can you do where your love doesn't unless
Just turn around broke a dream from the past
What can you do when your love doesn't go
Turn love is a paid the seeds happen you know

What can you do where your love doesn't blind
Take a deep breath and say I will survive
What can you do when your love fakes apart
Look, you're the next show you make it somehow
I can't tell you're blind
Your love makes you cry
Our love is nail you'll go on with your lye
Oh, Why can't you see? You're not here with me.
Our love is nail you'll go back where you see

What can you do when your love doesn't go
Open your eyes watch a me when I'm a fool
What can you do when your love waits a grown
Waits stop just sincere said a more to define

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