Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


You're my angel, you are always on my mind
Angel, your love is like a dream
I feel, love is changing everything
Turn the winter into spring, angel

And when I close my eyes
I feel those butterflies
I need your smile, all the time
You light my darkest night
When you are by my side
I need your love, all the time

Vers 1:
Hope you are always mine
I never would turn back the time
You are my destiny
My heart is in your hands
I pray to god above
Please never stop this perfect love
You are the best of me
Your love can set me free

Vers 2:
Your heart is like my home
You never walk this road alone
I'll never let you down
The best is yet to come
Love changes everything
With you I'm living in a dream
And when you're far away
Your love will make my day

I would never let you go
As long as feelings glow
I wouldn't change a thing on you
You are always in my heart
We'll never be apart
Don't let the sun go down on me

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