Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


You must be out there

Every time I?ve got an hour on my hands I hope
you feel me
Every now and then I understand the fact that
you believed me

How can I go on
If you don?t come along to set me off
I don?t know nothing
How can I move on when I am half as strong
Without your strength
I don?t know nothing

Cause you?re not in my world to ease my worries
And you can?t be the one I turn to
Who?s gonna watch over me if not you
Will you?re memory live on inside me

Ever since you went away I wondered why the
world kept turning
Every time I think of you I feel the flame that
keeps on burning

How can I go on
If you don?t come along to set me off
I don?t know nothing
How can I move on when I am half as strong
Without your strength
I don?t know nothing

Though you?re not in my world to ease my worries
And you can?t be the one I turn to
You?re gonna watch over me I feel you
Cause your memory lives on inside of me

You must be out there
Though you?re not in my world to ease my worries
You must be out there
And you can?t be the one I turn to
You must be out there
You?re gonna watch over me I feel you
You must be out there
Cause your memory lives on inside of me

You must be out there

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