Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


Let's just do it...
Let's Just Call It Love
Is it any wonder I feel beautiful tonight

'Cause the spell I'm under makes the stars shine
oh so bright
Is it affection 'cause I think I like it
Whatever you're doing to me there's no way to
describe it


Let's just call it love
You call it what you want call it emotion
Let's just call it love
You can call it a feeling call it a notion
Let's just call it love

You can say that it's right you can say that
it's wrong
But baby it's just too damn good
Let's just call it love
Let's just call it love

I'm caught up in the moment I could be anywhere
at all

Ain't nothin' that can bring me down no 'cause
baby I feel ten feet tall
Is it obsession 'cause though I like it
It's really taken a hold of me now and I don't
want to fight it
No no so


You can call it anything anything at all
We can take it anywhere anywhere we want to
'Cause you and me baby it's what we need
So let's see that sun we've got all night long
Let's go on and on (x 4)

(Chorus x 2 and Fade)

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