Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


It wasn't fair, it wasn't satisfied
Only was sometimes
My song was out alright
Some kind of event move society
Some kind of dream
Maybe reality
When down I' m living in another world
Oh I found the cure
I found the remedy
Some kind of secret too of fantasy
Only turn me right to
Where I wanna be

Good good times
Good money
Good good girl
Oh honey honey
Sometimes left
Not so funny
Good good times
Oh honey honey

Good good times
Good money
Good good love
Oh honey honey
Sometimes left
Not so funny
Good good times
Oh honey honey


I know the time, I know the state of mind
Oh I know the way
I'm waiting when I'm lying

Some kind of event move society
Some kind of dream
Maybe reality

When down I' m living in another world
Oh I found the cure
I found the remedy
Some kind of secret too of fantasy
Only turn me right to
Where I wanna be

Good good times
Good money
Good good love
Oh honey honey
Sometimes left
Not so funny
Good good times
Oh honey honey.....(x 3)

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