Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


Everytime you need me...
You know I will be there...
Say you will, say you dare...

An inner feeling comes around:
Let it sparkle and let it shine,
Let it lift you off the ground,
Make it last baby, make it mine!

You are the sun that rises,
You are the moon that lights the night,
You are who paralizes me!

Everytime you need me you know I will be there,
You know I really care,
Say you will, say you dare.
Everytime you need me you know I will be there,
Allow me uncompared,
Say you will, say you dare.

Write my name into the sky
And keep the memories in your heart,
Let the hours pass us by:
I guess that this is a way to start!

You are full of surprises,
You are a fire burning bright,
You are who mesmerizes me!

Everytime you need me you know I will be there,
You know I really care,
Say you will, say you dare.
Everytime you need me you know I will be there,
Allow me uncompared,
Say you will, say you dare.

Say you dare...
Say you will...
Say you dare...

Everytime you need me you know I will be there,
You know I really care,
Say you will, say you dare.
Everytime you need me you know I will be there,
Allow me uncompared,
Say you will, say you dare

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