Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


Don′t tell me to stop
Tell the rain not to drop
Tell the wind not to blow
′Cuz you said so
Mmmm, Mmmm

Tell the sun not to shine
Not to get up this time
No no
Let it fall by the way
But don′t leave me where I lay down

Tell me love isn′t true
It′s just something that we do
Tell me everything or nothing
Please don′t tell me to stop

Tell the leaves not to turn
But don′t ever tell me I′ll learn
No, No
Take the black off a crow
But don′t tell me I have to go

Tell the bed not to lay
Like the open mouth of a grave, yeah
Not to stare up at me
Like a calf down on his knees

Tell me love isn′t true
It′s just something that we do
Tell me everything or nothing
Don′t ever tell me to stop

Don′t you ever tell me
Love isn′t true
It′s just something that we do
Don′t you ever tell me everything or nothing
Don′t ever tell me to stop

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