Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


Video killed the radio star
Video killed the radio star
In my mind and in my car,
we can't rewind we've gone too fa

Video killed the radio star
Video killed the radio star
In my mind and in my car, we can't rewind we've gone too far

I heard you on the wireless back in Fifty Two
Lying awake intent at tuning in on you
If I was young it didn't stop you coming through
Oh-a oh

They took the credit for your second symphony
Rewritten by machine and new technology
and now I understand the problems you can see
Oh-a oh

I met your children
Oh-a oh
What did you tell them?
Video killed the radio star
Video killed the radio star

Pictures came and broke your heart
Oh-a-a-a o

And now we meet in an abandoned studio
We hear the playback and it seems so long ago
And you remember the jingles used to go
Oh-a oh
You were the first one
Oh-a oh You were the last one

Video killed the radio star
Video killed the radio star
In my mind and in my car, we can't rewind we've gone too far
Pictures came and broke your heart, look I'll play my VCR

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