Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


It′s a rainy afternoon In 1990
The big city...geez, it′s been 20 years!
You were so fine
Beautiful, beautiful Girl from the north
You burned my heart with a flickering torch
I had a dream that no one else could see
You gave me love for free

Candy Candy Candy
I can′t let you go
All my life you′re haunting me
I loved you so
Candy I can′t let you go
Life is crazy
Candy baby

Yeah, well it hurt me real bad when you left
I′m glad you got out
But I miss you I′ve had a hole in my heart
For so long
I′ve learned to take it and Just smile along
Down on the street
Those men are all the same
I need a love
Not games
Not games


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