Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


Riding backstreets on night highways
Dark spaces white lights through the window
I'm moving too fast for my life
While the Moon remains constant in the sky

The night is holding its breath
Inside, in silence, I'm dead
But if I make it until tomorrow
I know that my fear will be gone
And so'm waiting for the morning to come

Come, come, come into my Life
Come, come, stay with me
Nobody loves me, nobody loves me enough
Enough to save me, oh no
Nobody loves me, nobody loves me enough
Enough to save me, oh no

I'm breathing the silence, tonight
Won't I ever arrive where I'm going ?
I'm saying your name inside
While the moon remains following my ride

Oh no, I can't let this night go by,
The black must breaks the day
I don't want my heart to dry
It says come into my Life

It says
Come, come, come into my Life
Come, come, stay with me
Nobody loves me, nobody loves me enough
Enough to save me, oh no
Nobody loves me, nobody loves me enough
Enough to save me, oh no

If I say I'll forget you I'm lying
Looking for you I'm still waiting
Whatever I do with my Life
The moon remains constant in the sky

Just today I knew the world was right
But on this silent day
I can hear my voice inside
It says come into my Life

It says
Come, come, come into my Life
Come, come, stay with me
Nobody loves me, nobody loves me enough
Enough to save me, oh no
Nobody loves me, nobody loves me enough
Enough to save me, oh no

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