Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


You're doing fine
Most of the time
You sit and wonder
What tomorrow brings
All kinds of things
You sit and wait
You hesitate
Just like you've never
Been in love before
There's so much more

On your own and
Though you feel alone
You are alive
Don't you know
It's just another day
All alone into this world
We're thrown
You are alive
Don't you know
It's just another day?
On your own and
Though you feel alone
You are alive
Don't you know
It's just another day?

You turn around
You're lost and found
Looking for someone
Who will understand
Or hold your hand
You count the days
A hopeless case
But for the first time
You will wait for me

On your own and
Though you feel alone
You are alive
You are alive
Don't you know
It's just another day?
All alone into this
World we're thrown
You are alive
You are alive
Don't you know
It's just another day?
On your own and
Though you feel alone
You are alive
You are alive
Don't you know
It's just another day?
On your own and
Though you feel alone
You are alive
You are alive
Don't you know
It's just another day?

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