Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


I’ll remember it
And Dublin in a rainstorm
And sitting in the long grass in summer
Keeping warm
I’ll remember it
Every restless night
We were so young then
We thought that everything
We could possibly do were the right
Then we moved
Stolen from our very eyes
And I wondered where you went to
Tell me when did the light die
You will rise
You´ll return
The phoenix from the flame
You will learn

And I never meant to hurt you
I swear I didn´t mean
Those things I said
I never meant to do that to you
Next time I´ll keep my hands to myself instead
Oh, does she love you
What do you want to do?
Does she need you like I do?
Does she hold you like I do?

Does she hold you like I do?

Do you want me?
Should I leave?
I know you´re always telling me
That you love me
Just sometimes I wonder
If I should believe
Oh, I love you
God, I love you
I´d kill a dragon for you
I’ll die

I’ll remember it
And Dublin in a rainstorm
And sitting in the long grass in summer
Keeping warm
I’ll remember it
Every restless night
We were so young then
We thought that everything
We could possibly do were the right
Then we moved
Stolen from our very eyes
And I wondered where you went to
Tell me when did the light die
You will rise
You´ll return
The phoenix from the flame
You will learn

And I never meant to hurt you
I swear I didn´t mean
Those things I said
I never meant to do that to you
Next time I´ll keep my hands to myself instead
Oh, does she love you
What do you want to do?
Does she need you like I do?
Does she hold you like I do?

Does she hold you like I do?

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