Site Balada CERTA


Letras de Músicas de Baladas


Let the beat control your body
Let the beat control your body

Let the beat control your body
Let the beat control your body

Let the beat control your body
Let the beat control your body
Let the beat contol your body
Now the my beat control your body!

Let my beat
Let my beat


Control your body
The beat is runnin′ through your veins
Control your body
When you let it penetrate your brain

The booming system which plays in places
Move your system, change these spaces
When I′m on the mic you can′t refuse
No one ever came to preach, I came to amuse
Techno making; no mistakin′; never faking
Always breaking it down, Hey to a party
Now let my beat control your body!

Let the beat control your body
Let the beat control your body
Let the beat control your body
Now let my beat control your body

Let the beat control your body
Let the beat control your body
Let the beat control your body

Let my beat
Let my beat

(Repeat Chorus)

It′s my beat now
It′s ny beat

Let the beat control your body
Let the beat control your body
Let the beat control your body

Let the beat control your body
Let the beat control your body
Let the beat control your body
Let the beat control your body, Yeah

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